I'm excited to announce that this is part I of III of a fall/winter collaboration with one
of my favorite stores, BOP! I'm making assumptions here BUT, I'm sure (almost) all of
you have heard of shopbop.com? yes? no? Well, what some of you may not know is
it all began here in Madison, Wisconsin with one single retail store, BOP. Cool, right?
BOP is a go-to for us Mad Towner's for lots of reason. First, their selection of denim is out
of this world. Did I say an entire wall of all of your favorite designer denim? Yeah. I did.
Here I am wearing a current love, Frame denim along with a super soft 360 Cashmere
sweater, a statement Rebecca Minkoff leopard print bag and a pair of Karen Walker
sunglasses that I can't get out of my brain.
This is just the beginning of what BOP has to offer to all of you fashionable ladies.
Make sure to pop on into BOP next time you're in downtown Madison to find all of
the pieces I am wearing here plus loads more! I promise you'll find something to take
home with you.
sweater 360 • jeans frame denim • bag rebecca minkoff • sunglasses karen walker (all currently available at BOP) • booties elizabeth and james