Wednesday, July 31, 2013

allen stone & andrew mcmahon.

Yesterday evening, I went to see Allen Stone perform on a yacht on the Hudson River. A company in New York puts on these concerts and believe it or not... the shows aren't any more expensive than a show at a normal concert venue! Crazy! Any who. I have been looking forward to this show for awhile now and it seemed to be a fun way to spend one of my last nights in New York and it was. It was a beautiful night, we watched the sunset on the bow of the boat and enjoyed the fresh air. 
Before Allen Stone went on stage, I checked instagram (as per usual) to see that one of my favorite artists, Andrew McMahon (first known as the front man of Something Corporate, then Jack's Mannequin) had just posted a photo of the sunset with the caption: "View from the deck of the horn blower NYC. Looking forward to Allen Stone's set." I have looked up to Andrew McMahon for almost a decade, he has been a huge inspiration to myself and many others in countless ways. I have been to many of his shows throughout the years but have never had the chance to meet him. Clearly, I was excited that he was on the same boat as we were and decided I wanted to meet him... and I did.

I introduced myself and explained that I have been a huge fan for years and thanked him for being an outlet of hope and an inspiration to all of us. He smiled, reached his arms out and said: "give me a hug. I can't tell you how much it means to hear you say that." He was so kind and so gracious. 
For those of you who don't know his story, when you have an hour and a half or so, watch the documentary, Dear Jack. Andrew documents his journey as he is diagnosed with leukemia. It is an inspiring, hopeful amazing story about life, love and music. The music this man writes is beyond beautiful, take a listen if you haven't!

On the topic of beautiful music... soon after this, Allen Stone came on stage. Let me tell you something... This man knows how to put on one hell of a show. He is so full of soul and energy and seriously rocks the house (or in this case, the boat) The crowd loved him as always and it was a set full of singing, dancing and great energy. Also, see below for some of the horn players great dance moves. They were very entertaining to say the least.


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